+ Programming + Archives Décades + News + Publications + Support Optica + Info

2008 - 2009 Français


June 6th 2019
Intern Wanted: OPTICA Archives and indexing publications - Fall-Winter

June 6th 2019
Intern Wanted: Cultural Mediation - Fall-Winter

October 15th 2018
A review of Celia Perrin Sidarous's solo exhibition in the 2018 Fall Cmagazine

September 7th 2018
Rentrée de Gaspé!

September 7th 2018
Intern Wanted: Special projects, OPTICA Archives, copyrights, indexing publications

August 30th 2018
Educational Program | 2018- 2019

March 3rd 2018
OPTICA participates in the Nuit Blanche - March 3, 2018

October 6th 2017
***Intern Wanted Cultural Mediation- Fall-Winter***

November 9th 2016
Offre d’emploi | Adjoint-e aux communications et aux archives

September 1st 2016
Educational Program | Fall 2016

August 18th 2016
** **Interns Wanted - Fall 2016 - Communication and Archives Assistant** **

January 7th 2016
Educational Program | Winter and Spring 2016

November 21st 2015
Nicolas Lachance among the finalists for the Prix Pierre-Ayot

September 1st 2015
--- OPTICA's Educational Program - Fall 2015 ---

August 20th 2015
** **Intern Wanted - Fall 2015 - Assistant, Conservation and Development of the OPTICA Archives** **

March 25th 2015
Would You Like to Come to Dinner? Participants in Dinner Party Project Needed

February 5th 2015
Looking for an intern

December 16th 2014
Educational Programmation | Winter 2015

October 14th 2014
Cultural Mediation

September 9th 2014
Laurence Garneau doing an intership at OPTICA

August 26th 2014
Job offer : Cultural Mediator

June 20th 2014
Véronique Leblanc is given carte blanche

April 1st 2014
OPTICA is moving!

April 1st 2014
Le pôle de diffusion de Gaspé is the subject of a radio report at the morning show C'est pas trop tôt

March 22nd 2014
OPTICA new location in the Mile End is the focus of a newly published article in Le Devoir

January 16th 2014
OPTICA will be present at the 4@ 7 des travailleurs du quartier St-Viateur Est

January 8th 2014
Juliette Roiné new intern at OPTICA

December 17th 2013
Jayce Salloum's "There was and There was not (Kan ya ma Kan)" is now available online

December 11th 2013
Rodney LaTourelle's Exhibition "Chromakenón" is briefly mentioned in ESPACE sculpture

October 30th 2013
Thérèse Mastroiacovo is one of the 5 finalists for the Contemporary Art Award (MNBAQ)

September 14th 2013
Elina Brotherus "12 ans après" is the focus of a newly published article by Marie-Ève Charron in Le Devoir

September 11th 2013
OPTICA is Looking for an Intern for Digital Archives

September 10th 2013
Manuela Lalic's "Activisme Timide" is the focus of a newly published article in Espace Sculpture

June 20th 2013
Un pôle de diffusion majeur s'ajoutera aux ateliers d'artistes dans le quartier Mile-End de Montréal

June 19th 2013
Manuela Lalic's "Activisme Timide" is the focus of a published article in C Magazine

June 6th 2013
Stopping mailing OPTICA press releases, starts in September

April 17th 2013
Noémi McComber will be at OPTICA this Saturday, April 20th at 2pm!

April 17th 2013
Interview with Noémi McComber on the No More Radio show (The Belgo Report Podcast)

March 28th 2013
On April 3rd, OPTICA will be part of the Montreal Gallery Tour

March 27th 2013
Catherine Bodmer's new publication is now on sale at OPTICA

March 27th 2013
Noémi McComber's "Mise en échec" is the focus of a newly published article on The Belgo Report

March 7th 2013
Brooklyn / Montreal @ Momenta Art is the focus of a newly published article in The Brooklyn Rail

February 20th 2013
Marjolaine Bourdua's sound sculpture is the focus of an article on Vie des arts webzine

February 19th 2013
Manuela Lalic's interview on the In situ radio show (CIBL)

February 9th 2013
Manuela Lalic's "Activisme timide" is the focus of a newly published article in Le Devoir

December 17th 2012
OPTICA laureate at the Visual Art Awards

December 11th 2012
Julie Alary Lavallée - Internship report

December 7th 2012
Montreal / Brooklyn : OPTICA @ Momenta Art

December 5th 2012
Mathieu Latulippe Valence's Residency :: Presentation of his work in progress

November 30th 2012
Anne-Lise Seusse :: "De la Guerre, Mont Royal, fragments" will be screening at Palais de Tokyo

September 29th 2012
Catherine Bodmer's "Casas" is the focus of a newly published article in Le Devoir and mentioned in Canadian Art's "Agenda"

September 21st 2012
"Montreal / Brooklyn" is the focus of a newly published article in Le Devoir

September 20th 2012
Cynthia Girard's "Pierre Vallières + Josée Yvon" is the focus of a newly published article in ART PAPERS

September 10th 2012
Cynthia Girard's "Pierre Vallières + Josée Yvon" is part of the portefolio "Ideals of Painting" published in esse arts + opinions

August 25th 2012
Montreal / Brooklyn :: a not to be missed event this fall

June 21st 2012
Julia Eilers Smith - Internship Report

June 19th 2012
In Conversation with Michel de Broin - Campaign Report

June 5th 2012
Capsule on Julie Trudel on the In situ radio show (CIBL)

June 3rd 2012
Cynthia Girard's "Pierre Vallières et Josée Yvon" is the focus of a newly published article in the Le Devoir

March 14th 2012
Lancement de la publication «Résidence de recherche jeune création :: Olivia Boudreau, Anne-Lise Seusse» mercredi 14 mars, 18h à la librairie Ouvrir l'oeil, Lyon

March 8th 2012
Michel de Broin is the focus of a newly published article in Canadian Art

December 31st 2011
New images online this Fall on "Décades"

December 2nd 2011
OPTICA and a few of the centre's closest collaborators nominated & laureates at the Visual Art Awards!

November 12th 2011
"Archi-féministes! : Archiver le corps (1st part)" is the focus of articles in Le Devoir and the Voir

September 15th 2011
Raymonde April : one of the 2011 Mois de la Photo's recommendations in the Voir

September 11th 2011
Anne-Lise Seusse (research residency at OPTICA in 2009) in Rendez-vous 11

September 1st 2011
OPTICA, un projet d'art contemporain (posters no.5 + no.6)

September 1st 2011
Upcoming publication : 2nd cycle of Montreal/Valence residencies

August 27th 2011
Archi-féministes! : a 'not to miss' for next Fall according to Jérôme Delgado and Nicolas Mavrikakis

April 14th 2011
12th presentation of Le Mois de la Photo à Montréal :: Raymonde April @ OPTICA

April 6th 2011
John Marriott interview on the In situ radio show (CIBL)

March 31st 2011
Team Macho's "3 out of 5 ain't bad" is the focus of a newly published article in the Voir

March 25th 2011
Anne-Lise Seusse (research residency at OPTICA in 2009) has an exhibition at VU

March 15th 2011
John Marriott + Team Macho recommended in Canadian Art's "Agenda Quebec"

March 4th 2011
John Marriott's "The sum of some" is the focus of a newly published article in The Globe and Mail

February 17th 2011
In memory of Laurie Walker (1962-2011)

February 17th 2011
Mary Sui Yee Wong's "Wanghàng" is part of the dossier "L'art public à Montréal"

February 10th 2011
Nelly-Ève Rajotte interview on the Espace Visuel radio show (CINQ FM 102,3)

February 9th 2011
Olivia Boudreau (2010 laureate of the "Résidence de recherche jeune création, Montréal-Valence (France)") presents her work at NÉON in Lyon

February 4th 2011
"OPTICA : publications in contemporary art" at the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Library

February 3rd 2011
Archives Internship : Renee Jespersen @ OPTICA

February 1st 2011
Nelly-Ève Rajotte interview on the In situ radio show (CIBL)

January 21st 2011
Marie-Claude Bouthillier's "Dans le ventre de la baleine" is the focus of a newly published review in Esse arts + opinions

January 21st 2011
Yan Giguère's "Attractions" is the subject of a newly published interview in CV87

December 23rd 2010
Marie-Claude Bouthillier's "Dans le ventre de la baleine" ranks at the head of the top 5 best shows by Nicolas Mavrikakis

December 23rd 2010
Marie-Claude Bouthillier's "Dans le ventre de la baleine" ranks at in Canadian Art's "Top 3: Quebec Quality"

November 30th 2010
Marie-Claude Bouthillier interview at the Désautels radio show (CBC/Radio-Canada)

November 18th 2010
Marie-Claude Bouthillier's "Dans le ventre de la baleine" is the focus of a newly published article in le Voir

October 16th 2010
Mallarmé. Le Livre. The Complete Special Edition at Optica

October 16th 2010
Pierre Boogaerts is the focus of a newly published article in Le Devoir

September 21st 2010
Cecile Brass performance cancelled

September 17th 2010
Stéphane Gilot's "Mondes modèles" are the focus of a newly published article in Esse arts + opinions

August 19th 2010
Optica is looking for Volunteers

August 13th 2010
Sylvia Winkler + Stephan Köperl's "Urbang" is the focus of a newly published article in Vie des arts

May 22nd 2010
Gilot, Winkler + Köperl are the focus of a newly published article in Le Devoir

April 20th 2010
Sylvia Winkler + Stephan Köperl at the Earth Day, Thursday, April 22nd 2010

April 6th 2010
Launch of the DVD "Diane Landry, installations & performances 2008-2009" : Thursday, April 8th (5 pm - 7 pm) at le Port de tête

March 20th 2010
Diane Landry's "Knight of Infinite Resignation" is the subject of a newly published article in Le Devoir

March 11th 2010
Yan Giguère's "Attractions" is the subject of a newly published article in CV84

March 11th 2010
Sophie Bélair Clément's "Le son du projecteur" is the subject of a newly published article in Cmagazine

March 10th 2010
Gabor Szilasi won the Governor general's Award in Visual and Media Arts

January 16th 2010
Artist projects freely distributed as posters

December 31st 2009
"La demeure" (2002) : one of last decade's important exhibitions for art critic Jérôme Delgado

October 10th 2009
Mallarmé. Le Livre at the S.M.A.K.

September 15th 2009
Archives internship : Stéphanie Laoun @ OPTICA

September 1st 2009
Résidence de recherche jeune création : Anne-Lise Seusse @ OPTICA

April 23rd 2009
Diane Morin's and David Dupont's artists' books launch : April 23rd in Valence, June 13th in Montreal

January 1st 2009
Reference works available for consultation at the gallery

April 6th 2011
John Marriott interview on the In situ radio show (CIBL)

An interview John Marriott gave during the opening of his exhibition "The sum of some" on Saturday, March 12th will be broadcast during the In situ radio show, airing on CIBL this Wednesday, April 6th, at 1pm.